Free Bookstore/Library Event Planning Ideas for

Preschool-Grade 2 Story Hours:
Snickerdoodle stories are designed to be shared as great read-alouds for children ages
 3-7. See  “Free Lesson Plan” and creative activities on Teacher Resource Page at  for interactive, “fun-in-a-nutshell” experiences with “Snickerdoodle.” These ideas –used by teachers--may also be adapted for bookstore/library settings. The most popular activity? The “Snickerdoodle Rap!” 


“Fantastic vehicles” theme:
 Gather and display books about interesting vehicles that are used by book characters in their travels and adventures—balloon in The Wizard of Oz? Or the car in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (And Snickerdoodle’s “peanutmobile™” too!) A volunteer could design/paint(?) a large peanut with wheels for a backdrop in the story corner. After hearing stories, children could be invited to come up to the peanut and add (draw with magic marker) a  new design feature or sign their names or draw themselves into the driver’s seat. Or kids could draw/write a line or two about “Where I’d like to go with Snickerdoodle in his Peanutmobile!” Or, photos of kids might be placed on/in the big peanut, under caption “Fun in a Nutshell with Snickerdoodle!”

“Heroes come in all sizes” theme:
Concepts of “big” and “small” are often found in children’s books, with themes of  heroic adventures of small-size creatures or people who overcame big odds. Snickerdoodle™ books are a nice fit with any themed stories about small-size heroes who triumphed over “big” troubles.
 Gather and display books about “little guys” who “thought BIG.” (For instance, The Little Engine that Could is now being reissued and touring the country in a big campaign.)
Opportunities abound for “character education” themed books showing the qualities and skills needed to be a hero.
Or, explore together the realm of “tiny folk” such as fairies and elves and leprechauns, etc. in folklore of many cultures and countries. ( Many classic books for this!)
A bookstore or library contest might invite kids to write/draw about a favorite “small”book hero or a create a new adventure for “Snickerdoodle.”
 The prize could be a store gift certificate or the Snickerdoodle Activity Book or doll.

American legends:
Polly Wolly DoodleUncle Yankee DoodleLegendary heroes from American folklore would be a great venue for introducing Snickerdoodle. Exploration of  Yankee Doodle and Polly Wolly Doodle (see historical background search info. from Internet sites) and many books on America’s folk heroes, from Paul Bunyan to Pecos Bill and other regional favorites, etc. can show older kids a bit of history as well as the fun of storytelling and legend-making. (It’s about imagination—where do you think these characters came from, what could have happened if you wrote the story of…; why are legends important? etc. )

“Celebrate superheroes” theme:
Display books featuring popular “superheroes” as well as some literary classic superheroes kids might not know. (Including “Snickerdoodle!”) Kids could be invited to come in (maybe in costume of their favorite superhero?) and show/tell about their favorite “superheroes”--  (hopefully BOOK characters, but obviously the world of multimedia entertainment heroes is the biggest influence!)… and they could listen, interact with the storyteller/librarian in discussion of “What is a superhero?”  Ideas about skills and qualities of character needed by a “superhero” could be discussed. If there is an area set up in advance for kids to do artwork, they might collaborate on a group mural (on  brown paper tacked up to bulletin board area?)  or draw  individual portraits of their favorite superheroes, or illustrating how their superhero might solve a particular problem –(* the “problem”to be solved might be suggested by brainstorming with the kids first.)
Or , after hearing a “Snickerdoodle” story, they might be guided to imagine and draw an adventure, writing themselves into the story, “How Snickerdoodle and I  (had an adventure) in the (peanut CAR? BOAT? PLANE?).”

Holiday or Calendar-related themes:
Holidays such as Fourth of July (obviously, a PURRFECT fit for Snickerdoodle’s Star-Spangled Fourth of July book!) offer display opportunities for books on American history—and familiar  symbols, traditions, and celebrations, including music Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever or Yankee Doodle or America  the Beautiful. The Snickerdoodle CD, featuring original songs set to familiar American folk melodies, performed by a bluegrass band, is a great Fourth of July item!    

During Children’s Book Week/Poetry Week, you can invite children to do their own storytelling/poetry about Snickerdoodle or tiny superheroes, or how to “think BIG” and make a difference, etc. Or—during Poetry Week: Gather/display funny or silly poems (Dr. Seuss and others), poems that  teach a positive lesson (about respect or courage or other character-development theme.) Include “The Snickerdoodle Rap.” 

Jerry the horse

Attention, Western states! Rodeo Week in your town/state offers great opportunity for introducing the Snickerdoodle book about the Roller-Skating Horse. 
Other “horse” books can be displayed, too. Or, if you are doing a display of “cowboy” theme books, you can include BOTH the initial “Tall Tale” book about Snickerdoodle, and also the “Horse” book!  (Note: This “rodeo week” theme worked well in  Texas, where an alert children’s library program director featured Snickerdoodle and the Roller-Skating Horse in a storytelling program on the library system’s cable TV channel.)

Also: Note that the Roller-Skating Horse book profiles a character’s “identity” issue. The horse’s self-esteem gets battered by a bully---someone who wants him to be something he’s not.   But nevertheless, the horse pursues his dream.This story is perfectly complemented by the classic Ferdinand the Bull  children’s book by Munro Leaf.  

Attention, Southern states! Is there an annual Peanut Festival in your state?
(Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, and others!) Snickerdoodle™ books are sure to be a hit with kids, families, and visitors to your town/region during Peanut Festival Week (in the Fall). Bookstores/libraries can find many ways to offer “fun-in-a-nutshell” activities!
If your bookstore or library features a display honoring “diversity” or helping kids who are “different” feel good about themselves and succeed, including tie-ins to Special Olympics , etc.,  Snickerdoodle’s Star Spangled Fourth of July book featuring the “unusual”cat is a must!  (Any other books on characters who did not “fit in” but who learned to turn a perceived handicap into a strength?) Or display favorite “cat” books such as Millions of Cats!

In winter months, especially, it may be fun to have a “Milk and Cookies Storytime with Snickerdoodle™.” If bookstore or library has facilities or parent volunteer help, a tray of Snickerdoodle  or peanut butter cookies could be set up, with hot chocolate or milk or other drink for cozy story hour with very young children.

Publicity could be headlined: “Got Snickerdoodle?”